Epipremnum amplissimum (Silver Leaf) also known as Pothos amplifolia is a member of the Araceae family of plants and its natural habitat is in parts of Australia and New Guinea. Long, lance-shaped leaves cover the vine closely together, nearly like armour, and each leaf becomes lined with silvery stripes oriented with the leaf’s veins. It tends to revert to plain green and short round leaves with insufficient lighting. The leaves can reach up to 30cm.
Epipremnum amplissimum (Silver Leaf) in a natural position grows in the wetlands of a lush rainforest, where it climbs trees with aerial roots. It is a less known species than the popular Golden Epipremnum, harder to get and sought after by collectors. This one likes bright locations with lots of diffused light, slightly more moist soil than the popular golden epipremnum, but the substrate should dry a little before re-watering.
Exposure: Bright indirect sunlight Water: water when top 3cm of soil is dry, let it dry out between watering Soil: Well draining potting mix Repotting: when roots grow out of the pot Epipremnum amplissimum is toxic to humans and animals when ingested.